Wednesday, March 08, 2006

blog blog

It's hard to blog about Asia, when I'm not actually there, but there you are.
Or I am not.

If I was back in Malaysia, Penang to be specific, I would run around town taking all kinds of pictures of the food we eat like some stupid tourist. My wife calls me a dork, But I don't care. It's what I love! What can i do about it?

Last night talking to the wife about the two years I spent there I was really regretting that I didn't get more adventurous. I mean, I tried Assam Laksa once, and decided I didn't like it. I spent most of my lunch money eating Nasi Goreng and Chicken Rice! Don't Singaporeans drive all the way to Penang just for the Assam Laksa? And then there was Satay of course, but I don't think there is anyone who tries that and doesn't like it the first time.

My very first meal in Asia was in Singapore. A friend took me to an economic rice stall where we had Kai Lan, Chicken Curry with rice, and SugarCane Juice. I still remember that first meal. I had just gotten off the airplane and was exhausted and ready for a good nap, but hungry enough to want to eat first. I still don't like Sugarcane Juice to this day. I don't know why but I can't drink it.

Luckily my wife can really cook, and I've done my share as well. We made curry mee this weekend. It's not quite the real deal but it definitely works in a pinch when I'm 15,000 miles away from the real deal. And Kudos to the wife who always does great with limited resources. The Kid likes to eat the tofu. I like the shrimp, and the wife really digs the bean sprouts.


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